A harmless creature that uses the planet's rutheless windstorms as a means of transportation. It feeds somewhat like a butterfly, using its retractable tongue to reach inside fungi and absorb nutrients. Its long tail ties it down when feeding or resting. References include butterflies and other flying insects.
A large and gentle herbivore. Using the modified jaw-like limbs at its front, the creature chips away the soil and fungus roots, tunneling labyrinths deep below the surface of the planet. References include the mole rat and cairn terrier.
A rather nasty ambush predator; using its large "foot," the creature burrows itself into the soil and coils the rest of its body. When prey wanders close, it launches itself forward with its legs and uncoils its net, trapping the prey and spearing it with a venomous claw. References include the antlion and various snakes.
A pack hunter; the "wolf" of Spyre. Roughly the size of a lion, this quick creature charges headfirst into prey, spears it with its teeth, and then retreats while another pack member does the same until the prey is dead. It moves much like a spider does. References include the wolf spider.
Various fungi that inhabit Spyre.
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